Archive for February 10th, 2012

It Covers Me

It’s snowing lightly outside my window. It’s been an incredibly mild winter and the current snowfall isn’t expected to accumulate to much. As I reminisce about heavy snowfalls of winters gone by, I can sense the beauty, the calm, and the peace that a fresh blanket of snow brings. A covering over debris.

God’s grace is a blanket that covers me. In Jeremiah 31:34, He promises that He “will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more”. In Romans 6:18, He tells us, “You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness”.

I wear these scriptures, these promises, as a covering of sorts knowing full well that the sinful nature in me, that is hidden beneath the top layer, will be there, but that there is hope in knowing that His grace covers me as white as a blanket of fresh snow.

His grace covers me.


I praise You for the messages of grace that you planted in my heart several weeks ago when I was struggling to forgive someone whose life had debris scattered all around them. I am thankful that You love me enough to cover me with Your grace – Your full grace, not just a hint of it.

I am grateful for Your promises and the hope that lies within them. As undeserving as I feel at times, I am in awe that You reached down and snuggled me into a blanket that covers me wherever I am. I pray that the sinful nature in me diminishes and the righteousness will shine through as a beacon for those needing a hint of hope and grace.

In Jesus’ name, Amen!



Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
Amazing love, now flowing down
From hands and feet that were nailed to the tree
As grace flows down and covers me
Amazing grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
Amazing love, now flowing down
From hands and feet that were nailed to the tree
As grace flows down and covers me

It covers me
It covers me
It covers me
And covers me

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
Amazing love, now flowing down
From hands and feet that were nailed to the tree
As grace flows down and covers me

And covers me
And covers me
And covers me
And covers me

And covers me
And covers me
And covers me
And covers me
And covers me

Grace flows down and covers me
All of my sin, all of my sin
It covers all my sin
Covers my heart, covers my heart
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Jesus
Sweet Jesus