Lenten Season
Posted in Faith on 03/09/2011 09:39 pm by CC
Today is Ash Wednesday and I’m excited about the start of Lenten season. For the first time ever, I’ve decided to give up something, but not for the sake of just giving up something. I’m doing it in honor of the One who died on a cross to wash away my sins.
Sacrificing something (which I will not discuss here) for such a great cause makes me feel great about what I’m doing and motivates me to not miss what will be sacrificed for a few weeks. I may end up realizing that I don’t need it in my life after all!
I’m looking forward to spending my extra time getting more in touch with God by reading His word more often, studying devotionals, praying, and listening to what He has to say to me.
My church puts on a passion play this time of year. (If you’ve never attended a passion play anywhere, I urge you to do so. It might just change your life!) I have tickets to see the production on Good Friday and I can’t wait to see it! Hearing the story of Jesus is always a reminder about how great God’s love is for all of us…even those of us who feel that we’re too broken for Him. God heals all wounds and accepts ALL of His children.
Get to know him this season!