6 Tips for Photo Shoot Success
Posted in Family, Miscellaneous and tagged with photography on 01/22/2011 02:58 pm by CC
Guest blogger Heather Steward of Heather Steward Photography captures memories and the essence of the subjects that she photographs by choosing perfect settings for each occasion.
You can help achieve the perfect look for your photo session by following these 6 tips that Heather recommends.
1.) If children will be in your photo shoot, make sure they are well-rested and fed before your photo session. It’s also a great idea to bring toys, food, drinks, etc. to keep the babies happy. (If your child gets sick before your session, it’s better to call the photographer to reschedule than to tote your sickly baby or child to this kind of activity.)
2.) Have clothes, hairstyles etc. planned before the day. If you plan to have more than one person in the photographs, coordinate color choices and styles. Also, select clothing that will complement the intended setting and mood.
3.) Be on time. Often photographers will book more than one photo shoot per day – only leaving a 15-30 min gap between. Arriving on time will help to ensure that you don’t lose your time slot.
4.) Wear solid colors, they are the easiest to capture. Black and white looks good with blue jeans. Also, children look best in vibrant multi-colors.
5.) If you have time, research and know what poses you want or like. Most photographers would be more than happy to accept print-offs so they can try to re-create the photo you bring.
6.) If bringing pets, have an extra person come along to help. Sometimes they can be a handful!
Visit the Heather Steward Photography website and Facebook page for more information.
January 22nd, 2011 at 3:06 pm
I must admit that my family hasn’t had a group photo in over a year and we took that ourselves with my husband’s professional-grade camera.
Trying to coordinate clothing for a group of six could be challenging if it weren’t for denim. We all own some, so all that is left to do is choose white or black shirts and schedule or session – with a professional this time.
Do you have any photo shoot tips (or horror stories) you’d like to share?
January 22nd, 2011 at 3:38 pm
Great article Heather!
One tip I’d like to add is not to put much pressure on the kids to pose in every photo. If they sense your frustration, they will get upset and probably won’t cooperate. Letting kids “be themselves” make for awesome candid photos.
January 22nd, 2011 at 4:45 pm
Rebecca, thanks for the tip! I pressure my children to smile for birthday pix and other events and they don’t like it. They always say, “Mom, can you just take the picture?!”
Point taken.