Third Day of Thanksgiving
Posted in Faith, Family, Relationships and tagged with Gospel, husband, thankfulness on 02/03/2012 12:25 pm by CCThere’s no big buildup to today’s message of thankfulness. I’ll get right to the point. I am thankful for the amazing man whom I call best friend, confidant, and husband.
He understands me. He works hard to maintain a wonderful marriage and to be a great dad. He works hard to provide for our family. He is caring. He is funny. He is kind. He is loving. He is patient. He is my hero!
I love that he frequently shares the Gospel with his clients, plays Christian music in his stores, and invites customers, family, and friends to attend our church. He takes seriously the command to make disciples of others. The Great Commission isn’t just a string of words for him; it’s his mission.
Thank you for blessing me with an amazing husband, best friend, and father to our children. I pray that you will keep him safe as he travels each day for work and as he spreads Your Gospel.
In love,

Arms encircling me
February 3rd, 2012 at 12:26 pm
It was my husband’s idea to set up this website, so that I’d have a venue for the randomness that always seems to be on my mind.