Southern Hospitality
Posted in Consumer Issues and tagged with customer service, hospitality on 04/06/2011 08:20 pm by CCThe saying is that if you experience bad service, you tell ten friends and word spreads like wildfire, but how often do we share good service experiences?
On a recent extended trip to a southern state, my family and I visited countless establishments for purposes of rounding up groceries, purchasing gas, shopping for clothing, and partaking in many of the local activities. One thing that stood out in each and every transaction was how incredibly NICE everyone was. Considering that most of the people who helped us weren’t in tipped positions, I felt that they were genuinely pleasant people with whom to do business.
I don’t get that kind of service in my current hometown, which is why I’ve added tons of businesses to my “do-not-shop” list. If my checkout clerk or
attendant is bothered by my presence, I simply “help” him or her by refusing to spend more time and money in a way that would benefit them. In other words, I don’t support bad attitudes and customer service with my hard-earned dollars. I spend them where I feel appreciated.
In my experience, the shops and restaurants in my area can take a few customer service (and human-kind) pointers from our southern neighbors.
Thanks for the truly great customer service to my southern friends! I look forward to seeing you again soon!
Do you have a story you’d like to share about great customer service? Post it here!
Love to all!